God has a sense of humor

“Demia, please report to the principal’s office, Demia, please report to the principal’s office.” Unfortunately these were words that were very familiar to me, but this time, I honestly couldn’t remember what infraction I was about to be reprimanded for. As I made the long trek across campus i searched my mind for the days events… “I made it to math class on time- so that can’t be it… I didn’t talk back to coach today…what in the world could it be??”

As I walked into my principals office she noticed my puzzled look and greeted me with a smile. You see, even though I was a frequent visitor to the office, it wasn’t always for my loud mouth or boisterous clothing selection for the day. My principal and I actually had a great relationship and would have frequent conversations throughout the week.

“Hi Ms. Barcella,” I said with a sly look. “Demia,” she began, “I have been sitting at my desk thinking about you, and I have come to the conclusion that one day, your going to be a pastor’s wife!” I nearly choked on the saliva in my mouth at these words that she just stated. “What?? Me?? A pastor’s wife??” I stated with extreme confusion. “Yes Demia, I see it. You’re going to be a pastor’s wife.” Was my principal loosing her mind, or better yet her eye sight? Did she mean to call in one of the shy quiet girls that didn’t say much, or better yet one of the girls that knew the bible from cover to cover? I couldn’t believe these utterances that had just come from her mouth. In an attempt to completely remove this thought from her head I stated, “I will NEVER  be a pastor’s wife! They are quiet and shy women that don’t have a voice, better yet even a name! Think about it, they’re called the PASTOR’S WIFE for goodness sake, that’s not the name on their birth certificate! Don’t you ever say that to me again, because that will never be my fate.”  And with three snaps in a Z formation I was done making my point; Ms. Barcella on the other hand wasn’t. She proceeded to look at me with a comical grin and state, “you just watch and see.”

As time progressed I forgot about this particular conversation with my dear principal and proceeded on with life. A few years later while out to eat with some close girlfriend’s we decided to go around the table and profess the futures that we saw for one another. “You’re going to marry a banker with glasses,” one friend remarked to another. “You’re going to be a stay at home wife with 6 kids,” another interjected. It was finally my turn and one of my friends kindly looked in my direction and stated with an air of confidence “Demia, you’re going to be a pastor’s wife!” “Yes!’ The others agreed. “Demia, you are going to be a pastor’s wife!” they all repeated in unison. I was in complete and utter shock! “Where in the world do people keep getting these thoughts of me?” I questioned myself. “I am NOT going to be a pastor’s wife!” I said in anger, “and stop saying that!”

… as the story would go, no less than a year later I met my now husband and after 6 years of dating I became the “pastor’s wife.” LOL! As I think back on things, all I can say is that God certainly has a sense of humor! I never in a million years would have thought that this would be the role that the Lord would actually have for me, but I thank Him every day for it. You see the great thing about this all is that we have a God that sits up high, but looks down low. I always associated my current role as something I never wanted to be, but because after years of fighting it and finally giving in to the voice of God, I have found my calling in life and it’s a gift that I wouldn’t give up  for the world. You see, I didn’t want to become a pastor’s wife because of all of the negative connotations that I allowed to become my reality. Because I was allowing people’s perceptions on things to govern what I was believing to be the gospel truth, I almost missed out on not only my modern day knight in shining armor, but I also almost missed out on the opportunity to be God’s hands and feet in a way that few have been chosen to do.

I laugh when I look back on things, but i’m grateful non the less on how far God has brought me. And  this my friends is the beginning story of my PW swag